Freedom Act HB2099

Mobile Food Vendor Freedom Municipal Ordinance


Municipal legislation to remove unnecessary roadblocks for food truck entrepreneurs

Starting a food truck has helped many entrepreneurs realize the American dream. These mobile kitchens create jobs and provide an economic boost to the communities they serve.

Unfortunately, many counties and cities make it near to impossible for food trucks to operate. Some even ban food trucks altogether—often at the bequest of brick-and-mortar businesses that capture the regulatory process to prevent competition.

IJ’s Model Mobile Food Vendor Freedom Ordinance helps local governments remove unnecessary obstacles for food truck entrepreneurs. The model creates a simple process for applying for a food truck license. It also provides clear standards regarding where and how food trucks can operate.

Additionally, the model streamlines inspections. The model allows for regular inspections but ensures the inspection regime is rationally tied protecting consumers. It further protects public health and safety by making sure the county or city has the ability to investigate complaints of foodborne illness.

In counties and cities across America, food truck businesses have created economic opportunity and countless jobs. By enacting IJ’s Model Mobile Food Vendor Freedom Ordinance, local governments can encourage and support these small businesses while providing consumers with new and tasty offerings.

			State of Illinois
2023 and 2024
Introduced 2/7/2023, by Rep. Dave Vella
New Act
    Creates the Food Truck Freedom Act. Provides that a unit of local government may not require a separate license, permit, or fee beyond an initial or reciprocal business license for a food truck business. Contains provisions regarding reciprocal business licenses issued to food truck businesses by different units of local government or local health departments. Contains prohibitions against units of local governments or local health departments from imposing additional license qualification requirements on a food truck business before issuing licenses. Provides that, for an initial business license, a unit of local government or local health department may only charge a licensing fee to a food truck business in an amount that reimburses the unit of local government for the actual cost of processing the business license. Requires food truck businesses to obtain, for each food truck that the food truck business operates, an annual health department food truck permit from the local health department with jurisdiction over the area in which the majority of the food truck's operations takes place. Includes provisions relating to food truck events and food trucks at temporary mass gatherings. Contains other provisions. Effective January 1, 2024.
LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
    HB2099   LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1       AN ACT concerning local government.
2       Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3   represented in the General Assembly:
4       Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Food
5   Truck Freedom Act.
6       Section 5. Definitions.
7       "Event permit" means a permit that a unit of local
8   government issues to the organizer of a public food truck
9   event located on public property.
10       "Food cart" means a cart that:
11           (1) is not motorized; and
12           (2) a vendor, standing outside the frame of the cart,
13       uses to prepare, sell, or serve food or beverages for
14       immediate human consumption.
15       "Food service establishment" means an operation that:
16           (1) stores, prepares, packages, serves, or vends food
17       directly to the consumer or otherwise provides food for
18       human consumption;
19           (2) is a satellite or catered feeding location; and
20           (3) relinquishes possession of food to a consumer
21       directly or indirectly through a delivery service such as
22       home delivery of a grocery order or takeout order or a
23       delivery service that is provided by common carriers.



    HB2099 - 2 - LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1       "Food truck" means a fully encased food service
2   establishment:
3           (1) on a motor vehicle or on a trailer that a motor
4       vehicle pulls to transport; and
5           (2) from which a food truck vendor, standing within
6       the frame of the vehicle, prepares, cooks, sells, or
7       serves food or beverages for immediate human consumption.
8       "Food truck" does not include a food cart or an ice cream
9   truck.
10       "Food truck business" means a business that operates one
11   or more food trucks.
12       "Food truck event" means an event where an individual has
13   ordered or commissioned the operation of a food truck at a
14   private or public gathering.
15       "Food truck operator" means a person who owns, manages, or
16   controls, or who has the duty to manage or control, a food
17   truck business.
18       "Food truck vendor" means a person who sells, cooks, or
19   serves food or beverages from a food truck.
20       "Health department food truck permit" means a document
21   that a local health department issues to authorize a person to
22   operate a food truck within the jurisdiction of the local
23   health department.
24       "Ice cream truck" means a fully encased food service
25   establishment:
26           (1) on a motor vehicle or on a trailer that a motor



    HB2099 - 3 - LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1       vehicle pulls to transport;
2           (2) from which a vendor, from within the frame of the
3       vehicle, serves ice cream;
4           (3) that attracts patrons by traveling through a
5       residential area and signaling the truck's presence in the
6       area, including by playing music; and
7           (4) that may stop to serve ice cream at the signal of a
8       patron.
9       "Restaurant" means a place of business where a variety of
10   food is prepared and cooked and complete meals are served to
11   the general public for consumption on the premises primarily
12   in indoor dining accommodations. "Restaurant" includes a food
13   service establishment.
14       "Temporary mass gathering" means:
15           (1) an actual or reasonably anticipated assembly of
16       500 or more people that continues, or reasonably can be
17       expected to continue, for 2 or more hours per day; or
18           (2) an event that requires a more extensive review to
19       protect public health and safety because the event's
20       nature or conditions have the potential of generating
21       environmental or health risks.
22       "Temporary mass gathering" does not include an assembly of
23   people at a location with permanent facilities designed for
24   that specific assembly.
25       Section 10. Licensing; reciprocity; fees.



    HB2099 - 4 - LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1       (a) A unit of local government may not require:
2           (1) a separate license, permit, or fee, beyond the
3       initial or reciprocal business license described in
4       subsection (b) or the fee described in subsection (d) for
5       a food truck business, regardless of whether a food truck
6       operates in more than one location or on more than one day
7       within the unit of local government in the same calendar
8       year;
9           (2) a fee for each employee a food truck business
10       employs; or
11           (3) a food truck business to do any of the following as
12       a business license qualification regarding the business'
13       food truck operators or food truck vendors:
14               (A) submit to or offer proof of a criminal
15           background check; or
16               (B) demonstrate how the operation of the food
17           truck business will comply with a land use or zoning
18           ordinance at the time the business applies for the
19           business license.
20       (b) A unit of local government shall grant a business
21   license to operate a food truck within the unit of local
22   government to a food truck business that has obtained a
23   business license to operate a food truck in another unit of
24   local government within the State if the food truck business
25   presents to the unit of local government:
26           (1) a current business license from the other unit of



    HB2099 - 5 - LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1       local government within the State; and
2           (2) for each food truck that the food truck business
3       operates:
4               (A) a current health department food truck permit
5           from a local health department within the State; and
6               (B) a current approval by a unit of local
7           government within the State showing that the food
8           truck passed a fire safety inspection that the other
9           unit of local government conducted in accordance with
10           relevant State and local requirements.
11       (c) If a food truck business presents the documents
12   described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (b), the
13   unit of local government may not:
14           (1) impose additional license qualification
15       requirements on the food truck business before issuing a
16       license to operate within the unit of local government,
17       except for charging a fee in accordance with subsection
18       (d); or
19           (2) issue a license that expires on a date earlier or
20       later than the day on which the license described in
21       paragraph (1) of subsection (b) expires.
22       (d) For an initial business license for a food truck
23   business, a unit of local government may only charge a
24   licensing fee to the food truck business in an amount that
25   reimburses the unit of local government for the actual cost of
26   processing the business license.



    HB2099 - 6 - LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1       For a reciprocal business license that a unit of local
2   government issues in accordance with subsection (b) or (c),
3   the unit of local government shall reduce the amount of the
4   business licensing fee to an amount that accounts for the
5   actual administrative burden on the unit of local government
6   for processing the reciprocal license.
7       (e) Nothing in this Section prevents a unit of local
8   government from:
9           (1) requiring a food truck business to comply with
10       local zoning and land use regulations, to the extent that
11       the regulations do not conflict with this Act;
12           (2) adopting local ordinances or rules consistent with
13       this Act that address how and where a food truck may
14       operate within the unit of local government;
15           (3) requiring a food truck business to obtain an event
16       permit, in accordance with Section 20; or
17           (4) revoking a license that the unit of local
18       government has issued if the operation of the related food
19       truck within the unit of local government violates the
20       terms of the license.
21       Section 15. Safety and health inspections; permits.
22       (a) A food truck business shall obtain, for each food
23   truck that the food truck business operates, an annual health
24   department food truck permit from the local health department
25   with jurisdiction over the area in which the majority of the



    HB2099 - 7 - LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1   food truck's operations takes place.
2       (b) A local health department shall grant a health
3   department food truck permit to operate a food truck within
4   the jurisdiction of the local health department to a food
5   truck business that has obtained the health department food
6   truck permit described in subsection (a) from another local
7   health department within the State if the food truck business
8   presents to the local health department the current health
9   department food truck permit from the other local health
10   department.
11       If a food truck business presents the health department
12   food truck permit described in subsection (a) from another
13   local health department within the State, the local health
14   department may not:
15           (1) impose additional health department permit
16       qualification requirements on the food truck business
17       before issuing a health department food truck permit to
18       operate within the jurisdiction of the local health
19       department, except for charging a fee in accordance with
20       subsection (c); or
21           (2) issue a health department food truck permit that
22       expires on a date earlier or later than the day on which
23       the health department food truck permit from another local
24       health department expires.
25       (c) A local health department may only charge a health
26   department food truck permit fee to a food truck business in an



    HB2099 - 8 - LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1   amount that reimburses the local health department for the
2   cost of regulating the food truck.
3       For a health department food truck permit that a local
4   health department issues in accordance with subsection (b),
5   the local health department shall reduce the amount of the
6   health department food truck permit fee to an amount that
7   accounts for the lower administrative burden on the local
8   health department.
9       (d) A unit of local government inspecting a food truck for
10   fire safety shall conduct the inspection based on the all
11   relevant State and local requirements. However, a unit of
12   local government may not require that a food truck pass a fire
13   safety inspection in a given calendar year if the food truck
14   business presents to the unit of local government an approval
15   described in subsection (e) that is issued during the same
16   calendar year.
17       (e) A unit of local government shall consider valid within
18   the unit of local government's jurisdiction an approval from
19   another unit of local government within the State that shows
20   that the food truck passed a fire safety inspection that the
21   other unit of local government conducted.
22       (f) Nothing in this Section prevents a local health
23   department from:
24           (1) requiring a food truck business to obtain an event
25       permit;
26           (2) revoking a health department food truck permit



    HB2099 - 9 - LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1       that the local health department has issued if the
2       operation of the related food truck within the
3       jurisdiction of the local health department violates the
4       terms of the permit; or
5           (3) revoking the unit of local government's approval
6       under subsection (e) if the operation of the related food
7       truck within the unit of local government fails to meet
8       the requirements found during an investigation under
9       subsection (d) in a calendar year in which subsection (e)
10       does not apply.
11       Section 20. Food truck events; temporary mass gatherings.
12       (a) If a unit of local government requires an event permit
13   for a food truck event, the organizer of the food truck event
14   may obtain the event permit on behalf of the food trucks that
15   service the event.
16       (b) Nothing in this Act prohibits a local health
17   department from requiring a permit for a temporary mass
18   gathering.
19       A food truck operating at a temporary mass gathering that
20   occurs over multiple days may operate in a stationary manner
21   for the duration of the temporary mass gathering, not to
22   exceed 5 consecutive days, without moving or changing its
23   location, if the food truck maintains sanitary conditions and
24   operates in compliance with the permitting requirements and
25   regulations imposed on other food vendors at the temporary



    HB2099 - 10 - LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1   mass gathering.
2       A local health department may not impose a requirement on
3   a food truck under this subsection that the local health
4   department does not impose on other food vendors operating at
5   the temporary mass gathering.
6       Section 25. Food truck operation.     A unit of local
7   government may not:
8           (1) entirely or constructively prohibit food trucks in
9       a zone in which a food service establishment is a
10       permitted or conditional use;
11           (2) prohibit the operation of a food truck within a
12       given distance of a restaurant;
13           (3) restrict the total number of days a food truck
14       business may operate a food truck within the unit of local
15       government during a calendar year; or
16           (4) require a food truck business to:
17               (A) provide to the unit of local government:
18                   (i) a site plan for each location in which a
19               food truck operates in the public right of way, if
20               the unit of local government permits food truck
21               operation in the public right of way; or
22                   (ii) the date, time, or duration that a food
23               truck will operate within the unit of local
24               government; or
25               (B) obtain and pay for a land use permit for each



    HB2099 - 11 - LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1           location and time during which a food truck operates.
2       Section 90. Home rule. A home rule unit may not regulate
3   food trucks or food truck businesses in a manner inconsistent
4   with this Act. This Act is a limitation under subsection (i) of
5   Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the
6   concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions
7   exercised by the State.
8       Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January
9   1, 2024.
New Act  


    Creates the Food Truck Freedom Act. Provides that a unit of local government may not require a separate license, permit, or fee beyond an initial or reciprocal business license for a food truck business. Contains provisions regarding reciprocal business licenses issued to food truck businesses by different units of local government or local health departments. Contains prohibitions against units of local governments or local health departments from imposing additional license qualification requirements on a food truck business before issuing licenses. Provides that, for an initial business license, a unit of local government or local health department may only charge a licensing fee to a food truck business in an amount that reimburses the unit of local government for the actual cost of processing the business license. Requires food truck businesses to obtain, for each food truck that the food truck business operates, an annual health department food truck permit from the local health department with jurisdiction over the area in which the majority of the food truck's operations takes place. Includes provisions relating to food truck events and food trucks at temporary mass gatherings. Contains other provisions. Effective January 1, 2024.

        LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b








    HB2099   LRB103 25457 AWJ 51806 b
1       AN ACT concerning local government.
2       Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3   represented in the General Assembly:
4       Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Food
5   Truck Freedom Act.
6       Section 5. Definitions.
7       "Event permit" means a permit that a unit of local
8   government issues to the organizer of a public food truck
9   event located on public property.
10       "Food cart" means a cart that:
11           (1) is not motorized; and
12           (2) a vendor, standing outside the frame of the cart,
13       uses to prepare, sell, or serve food or beverages for
14       immediate human consumption.
15       "Food service establishment" means an operation that:
16           (1) stores, prepares, packages, serves, or vends food
17       directly to the consumer or otherwise provides food for
18       human consumption;
19           (2) is a satellite or catered feeding location; and
20           (3) relinquishes possession of food to a consumer
21       directly or indirectly through a delivery service such as
22       home delivery of a grocery order or takeout order or a
23       delivery service that is provided by common carriers.

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